Project Description
SUSE Hack Week is about bringing people together, building bridges and letting them have fun, while they also grow, develop their interests, experience collaboration and enhance their cooperative spirit, when having to deal with complex problems and difficult situations.
Well, we're definitely biased (because we love RPGs), but that's exactly what we say when we describe Role Playing Games, especially Pen-&-Paper (aka Table-Top) ones
Goal for this Hackweek
RPGs are an entertaining way to bring people together and encourage them to collaboratively find solutions to puzzles or strategies for surviving dangerous encounters. Although this only happens in people's imagination, they're an extremely powerful tool, used also in professional and educational contexts... A they can be a lot of fun!
The goal of this project is to give as many chances as possible to people from the SUSE and openSUSE communities to get together and have a go at this experience. We are, therefore, arranging:
- Talks during which the ones that have some RPG experience already will explain and offer their views about the subject (various aspects, what's what, which tools they use, etc)
- Actual RPG sessions that people can attend and play (we'll offer various games, with different settings and systems; i.e., there will be D&D... But there will be more than D&D)
We need:
- People that want to be Game Masters for RPG sessions
- People that want to share their experience as both Players and Game Masters of RPGs
- People that want to attend RPG sessions (mostly online, but physical get-together are also an option!) and play!
Looking for hackers with the skills:
Nothing? Add some keywords!
This project is part of:
Hack Week 23
over 1 year ago by dfaggioli | Reply
These are (some of) the sessions which are being offered. The "booking system" is a bit, err, ad-hoc so, if you're interested in one and you want to know if there's still space for you to join, add a comment here and/or email me at :
over 1 year ago by alessio.biancalana | Reply
I was an host for a DnD 5e one-shot session based in Forgotten Realms and I have to say my players really enjoyed it and asked to do that again. I think we won't wait until the next hackweek at this point
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