Project Description

Mike Friesenegger and Tevor Kelly will attempt to build a Kubernetes cluster on the IBM Power Server in the SE lab in Provo

Goal for this Hackweek

We would like to see RKE2 and/or K3S build and run on IBM Power architecture - there is a fair chance that changes will need to be made to some of code. This project will include running a simple containerised application using the Kubernetes command line. Time permitting, it would be great to import at least one Kubernetes cluster into Rancher and see if we can deploy an application from within Rancher.


Looking for hackers with the skills:

rke2 k3s ibmpower ppc64le kubernetes

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • 9 months ago: e_bischoff liked this project.
  • 9 months ago: mfriesenegger added keyword "ibmpower" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: mfriesenegger added keyword "ppc64le" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: mfriesenegger added keyword "kubernetes" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: mfriesenegger added keyword "rke2" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: mfriesenegger added keyword "k3s" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: mfriesenegger liked this project.
  • 9 months ago: mfriesenegger started this project.
  • 9 months ago: tkelly originated this project.

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