OPI is a cli tool that combines the features of software.opensuse.org with similar functionality for the Packman repo (eg. installing video codecs) and also allows installing proprietary packages from various vendors.

openSUSE Package Installer

Search and install almost all packages available for openSUSE and SLE:
 1. openSUSE Build Service
 2. Packman
 2. Popular packages for various vendors

Usage: opi <query>

  <query> can be any package name or part of it and will be searched for 
  both at the openSUSE Build Service and Packman.

Also this queries can be used to install packages from various other vendors:

  chrome            Google Chrome webbrowser
  codecs            Media Codecs from Packman Repo
  msteams           Microsoft Teams
  plex              Plex Media Server
  skype             Microsoft Skype
  teamviewer        Teamviewer remote access
  vscode            Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  vscodium          Visual Studio Codium
  zoom              ZOOM Video Conference

The work is mostely done: https://github.com/openSUSE/opi/pull/40

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  • over 3 years ago: tjyrinki_suse liked this project.
  • over 3 years ago: dheidler started this project.
  • over 3 years ago: dheidler originated this project.

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