Project Description

Idea is to predefine a set of security policies for popular container applications just for example MySQL, Nginx etc..., with these predefined security policies, users can just download unpack it to use. No need to worry too much about detailed security settings/configurations for this application container. The policies could be any policies that Kubernetes supported and/or NeuVector supported.

Today, there are security policies being supported by Kubernetes like NetworkPolicy, there are extended policies like KubeWarden admission control policies, there are advanced security policy like NeuVector's L7 network policy, process & file policy etc... All these policies are providing functions to secure a Kubernetes environment. From end user point of view, it is good but not convenient enough to use unless users are security experts. So idea is, we could create many predefined security policies for many popular container applications, define these as a Kubernetes standard format like CRD extension just for example. Make these the building blocks coupled with the app images, so when users pull a container, a security policy can be imported at same time. The basic security settings (baseline) will be in place right away. If NeuVector was installed already then the enforcement is in place as well. Most of the users will have basic security in place by doing almost nothing. (of course, if it's necessary, users can still customize or fine tune the predefined templates.)

Security needs to be easy to use but still strong enough to protect, a lot of security postures/configurations/policies could be already defined when this application container image is created. These security manifest is different per apps but it is relatively stable per container as well. So, if we can create or generate security policy templates for popular application images, eventually make some of solid ones a built-in template, or even grow to be a hosted security policy hub. It could be a new critical way to secure Kubernetes world.

Goal for this Hackweek

Study this deeper, choose a few popular applications and make a prototype/demo to proof the concept.


Some of the policies might not be a good fit to be profiled as manifest. Here we will be focusing on relatively stable application security posture/configuration/runtime policies. Starting point could be look into these:

Looking for hackers with the skills:

security kubernetes containers neuvector kubewarden

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • over 1 year ago: amunoz liked this project.
  • over 1 year ago: heidi.bronson liked this project.
  • over 1 year ago: feih added keyword "kubewarden" to this project.
  • over 1 year ago: feih added keyword "neuvector" to this project.
  • over 1 year ago: feih added keyword "containers" to this project.
  • over 1 year ago: feih added keyword "kubernetes" to this project.
  • over 1 year ago: feih added keyword "security" to this project.
  • over 1 year ago: feih originated this project.

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    Bot to identify reserved data leak in local files or when publishing on remote repository by mdati


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    As main target here, secrets will be registration keys or passwords, to be detected and managed locally or in a C.I. pipeline.


    • Detection:

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    • Reporting:

      • report the result of detection on stderr and/or log files, noticed excluding the secret values.
    • Acton:

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    • Project repository, published on Github (link): m-dati/hkwk24;
    • Reference folder: hkwk24/chksecret;
    • First pull request (link): PR#1;
    • Second PR, for improvements: PR#2;
    • and documentation files available in the repo root;
    • Test subproject repository, for testing CI on push [TBD].


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    The various patterns to match desired reserved words are written in a separated module, to be on demand updated or customized.

    [Legend: TBD = to be done]

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    Project Description

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    Goal for this Hackweek

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    • It must be updated automatically on a daily basis and on ad-hoc runs (when needed).
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    • The raw data must be exportable as CSV file.
    • Ideally it will be written in Go or pure Shell script with basic HTML and no external dependencies in CSS or JS.

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    For now, the scope is limited to Spanish universities, since we already have the contacts and have started some conversations.


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    • Open-Source Mindset: foster a passion for open-source software, encouraging students to contribute to open-source projects and collaborate with the global developer community.
    • Career Readiness: prepare students for industry-relevant roles by exposing them to real-world use cases, best practices, and open-source in companies.


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    Introducing "Bottles": A Proof of Concept for Multi-Version CRD Management in Kubernetes by aruiz


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    • Reuse existing technology: leverage existing products whenever possible, e.g. build on top of Kubewarden as admission controller.
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    • ConfigMaps: Bottles could be defined and configured using ConfigMaps.
    • Admission Controller: An admission controller will detect "bootled" CRDs being installed and replace the resource name used to store them.
    • Aggregated API Server: By analyzing the author of a request, the aggregated API server will determine the correct bottle and route the request accordingly, making it transparent for the user.

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    This could be a great compliment to Rancher Manager.


    Learn and experiment with Backstage and look at how this could be integrated with Rancher Manager. Goal is to have some kind of integration completed in this Hack week.


    Screen shot of home page at the end of Hackweek:


    Day One

    • Got Backstage running locally, understanding configuration with HTTPs.
    • Got Backstage embedded in an IFRAME inside of Rancher
    • Added content into the software catalog (see:
    • Understood more about the entity model

    Day Two

    • Connected Backstage to the Rancher local cluster and configured the Kubernetes plugin.
    • Created Rancher theme to make the light theme more consistent with Rancher


    Days Three and Day Four

    • Created two backend plugins for Backstage:

      1. Catalog Entity Provider - this imports users from Rancher into Backstage
      2. Auth Provider - uses the proxied sign-in pattern to check the Rancher session cookie, to user that to authenticate the user with Rancher and then log them into Backstage by connecting this to the imported User entity from the catalog entity provider plugin.
    • With this in place, you can single-sign-on between Rancher and Backstage when it is deployed within Rancher. Note this is only when running locally for development at present



    Day Five

    • Start to build out a production deployment for all of the above
    • Made some progress, but hit issues with the authentication and proxying when running proxied within Rancher, which needs further investigation

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    • Boot device selection
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    ClusterOps - Easily install and manage your personal kubernetes cluster by andreabenini


    ClusterOps is a Kubernetes installer and operator designed to streamline the initial configuration and ongoing maintenance of kubernetes clusters. The focus of this project is primarily on personal or local installations. However, the goal is to expand its use to encompass all installations of Kubernetes for local development purposes.
    It simplifies cluster management by automating tasks and providing just one user-friendly YAML-based configuration config.yml.


    • Simplified Configuration: Define your desired cluster state in a simple YAML file, and ClusterOps will handle the rest.
    • Automated Setup: Automates initial cluster configuration, including network settings, storage provisioning, special requirements (for example GPUs) and essential components installation.
    • Ongoing Maintenance: Performs routine maintenance tasks such as upgrades, security updates, and resource monitoring.
    • Extensibility: Easily extend functionality with custom plugins and configurations.
    • Self-Healing: Detects and recovers from common cluster issues, ensuring stability, idempotence and reliability. Same operation can be performed multiple times without changing the result.
    • Discreet: It works only on what it knows, if you are manually configuring parts of your kubernetes and this configuration does not interfere with it you can happily continue to work on several parts and use this tool only for what is needed.


    • distribution and engine independence. Install your favorite kubernetes engine with your package manager, execute one script and you'll have a complete working environment at your disposal.
    • Basic config approach. One single config.yml file with configuration requirements (add/remove features): human readable, plain and simple. All fancy configs managed automatically (ingress, balancers, services, proxy, ...).
    • Local Builtin ContainerHub. The default installation provides a fully configured ContainerHub available locally along with the kubernetes installation. This configuration allows the user to build, upload and deploy custom container images as they were provided from external sources. Internet public sources are still available but local development can be kept in this localhost server. Builtin ClusterOps operator will be fetched from this ContainerHub registry too.
    • Kubernetes official dashboard installed as a plugin, others planned too (k9s for example).
    • Kubevirt plugin installed and properly configured. Unleash the power of classic virtualization (KVM+QEMU) on top of Kubernetes and manage your entire system from there, libvirtd and virsh libs are required.
    • One operator to rule them all. The installation script configures your machine automatically during installation and adds one kubernetes operator to manage your local cluster. From there the operator takes care of the cluster on your behalf.
    • Clean installation and removal. Just test it, when you are done just use the same program to uninstall everything without leaving configs (or pods) behind.

    Planned features (Wishlist / TODOs)

    • Containerized Data Importer (CDI). Persistent storage management add-on for Kubernetes to provide a declarative way of building and importing Virtual Machine Disks on PVCs for

    ADS-B receiver with MicroOS by epaolantonio

    I would like to put one of my spare Raspberry Pis to good use, and what better way to see what flies above my head at any time? add-emoji

    There are various ready-to-use distros already set-up to provide feeder data to platforms like Flightradar24, ADS-B Exchange, FlightAware etc... The goal here would be to do it using MicroOS as a base and containerized decoding of ADS-B data (via tools like dump1090) and web frontend (tar1090).


    • Create a working receiver using MicroOS as a base, and containers based on Tumbleweed
    • Make it easy to install
    • Optimize for maximum laziness (i.e. it should take care of itself with minimum intervention)


    • 1x Small Board Computer capable of running MicroOS
    • 1x RTL2832U DVB-T dongle
    • 1x MicroSD card
    • (dump1090 fork by FlightAware)

    Project status (2024-11-22)

    So I'd say that I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out. I've packaged readsb (as a replacement for dump1090), tar1090, tar1090-db and mlat-client (not used yet).

    Current status:

    • Able to set-up a working receiver using combustion+ignition (web app based on Fuel Ignition)
    • Able to feed to various feeds using the Beast protocol (,,,,,
    • Able to feed to Flightradar24 (initial-setup available but NOT tested! I've only tested using a key I already had)
    • Local web interface (tar1090) to easily visualize the results
    • Cockpit pre-configured to ease maintenance

    What's missing:

    • MLAT (Multilateration) support. I've packaged mlat-client already, but I have to wire it up
    • FlightAware support

    Give it a go at !

    Project links

    Improve Development Environment on Uyuni by mbussolotto


    Currently create a dev environment on Uyuni might be complicated. The steps are:

    • add the correct repo
    • download packages
    • configure your IDE (checkstyle, format rules, sonarlint....)
    • setup debug environment
    • ...

    The current doc can be improved: some information are hard to be find out, some others are completely missing.

    Dev Container might solve this situation.


    Uyuni development in no time:

    • using VSCode:
      • setting.json should contains all settings (for all languages in Uyuni, with all checkstyle rules etc...)
      • dev container should contains all dependencies
      • setup debug environment
    • implement a GitHub Workspace solution
    • re-write documentation

    Lots of pieces are already implemented: we need to connect them in a consistent solution.



    Port the classic browser game HackTheNet to PHP 8 by dgedon


    The classic browser game HackTheNet from 2004 still runs on PHP 4/5 and MySQL 5 and needs a port to PHP 8 and e.g. MariaDB.


    • Port the game to PHP 8 and MariaDB 11
    • Create a container where the game server can simply be started/stopped



    Enable the containerized Uyuni server to run on different host OS by j_renner


    The Uyuni server is provided as a container, but we still require it to run on Leap Micro? This is not how people expect to use containerized applications, so it would be great if we tested other host OSs and enabled them by providing builds of necessary tools for (e.g. mgradm). Interesting candidates should be:

    • openSUSE Leap
    • Cent OS 7
    • Ubuntu
    • ???


    Make it really easy for anyone to run the Uyuni containerized server on whatever OS they want (with support for containers of course).

    ClusterOps - Easily install and manage your personal kubernetes cluster by andreabenini


    ClusterOps is a Kubernetes installer and operator designed to streamline the initial configuration and ongoing maintenance of kubernetes clusters. The focus of this project is primarily on personal or local installations. However, the goal is to expand its use to encompass all installations of Kubernetes for local development purposes.
    It simplifies cluster management by automating tasks and providing just one user-friendly YAML-based configuration config.yml.


    • Simplified Configuration: Define your desired cluster state in a simple YAML file, and ClusterOps will handle the rest.
    • Automated Setup: Automates initial cluster configuration, including network settings, storage provisioning, special requirements (for example GPUs) and essential components installation.
    • Ongoing Maintenance: Performs routine maintenance tasks such as upgrades, security updates, and resource monitoring.
    • Extensibility: Easily extend functionality with custom plugins and configurations.
    • Self-Healing: Detects and recovers from common cluster issues, ensuring stability, idempotence and reliability. Same operation can be performed multiple times without changing the result.
    • Discreet: It works only on what it knows, if you are manually configuring parts of your kubernetes and this configuration does not interfere with it you can happily continue to work on several parts and use this tool only for what is needed.


    • distribution and engine independence. Install your favorite kubernetes engine with your package manager, execute one script and you'll have a complete working environment at your disposal.
    • Basic config approach. One single config.yml file with configuration requirements (add/remove features): human readable, plain and simple. All fancy configs managed automatically (ingress, balancers, services, proxy, ...).
    • Local Builtin ContainerHub. The default installation provides a fully configured ContainerHub available locally along with the kubernetes installation. This configuration allows the user to build, upload and deploy custom container images as they were provided from external sources. Internet public sources are still available but local development can be kept in this localhost server. Builtin ClusterOps operator will be fetched from this ContainerHub registry too.
    • Kubernetes official dashboard installed as a plugin, others planned too (k9s for example).
    • Kubevirt plugin installed and properly configured. Unleash the power of classic virtualization (KVM+QEMU) on top of Kubernetes and manage your entire system from there, libvirtd and virsh libs are required.
    • One operator to rule them all. The installation script configures your machine automatically during installation and adds one kubernetes operator to manage your local cluster. From there the operator takes care of the cluster on your behalf.
    • Clean installation and removal. Just test it, when you are done just use the same program to uninstall everything without leaving configs (or pods) behind.

    Planned features (Wishlist / TODOs)

    • Containerized Data Importer (CDI). Persistent storage management add-on for Kubernetes to provide a declarative way of building and importing Virtual Machine Disks on PVCs for

    Cluster API Add-on Provider for Kubewarden by csalas


    Can we integrate Kubewarden with Cluster API provisioning?

    Cluster API is a Kubernetes project focused on providing declarative APIs and tooling to simplify provisioning, upgrading, and operating multiple Kubernetes clusters. TLDR; CAPI let's you define Kubernetes clusters in plain YAML, and CAPI providers (infrastructure, control plane/bootstrap, etc.) manage provisioning and configuration for you.

    What if we could create an add-on provider that automatically installs Kubewarden and deploys Policy Servers to CAPI clusters?


    • As a user I'd like to set a cluster (or list of clusters) and have the provider install Kubewarden for me.
    • As a user I'd like to set what policies must be enforced for a cluster (or list of clusters).


    • Cluster API:
    • Kubewarden: