Project Description

I want to do a port of the jetpac videogame to the NES. I have already done the first steps during my spare time, but a full week focusing just on this would be awesome.

Goal for this Hackweek

The main goal for this project is to tinker with an old system, simple as that. It's not like I have special interest on developing games or developing games on the NES specifically. I think that the NES is a good platform to refresh my skills on low-level programming while also having something fun to display. It also allows me to have a deeper appreciation for videogames I have enjoyed and played in the past.


I already have a private repository where I have done some initial work. I will open it up if there is people that either have good knowledge on 6052 programming, or NES development in general. That is, I welcome any contributions, but I'd appreciate if you are already seasoned on 6052 programming (or, better yet, on NES development).

Keywords: NES, 6502 assembly, videogames, jetpac

Looking for hackers with the skills:

nes 6502 assembly videogame

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • 9 months ago: binary_sequence liked this project.
  • 9 months ago: rhopkins liked this project.
  • 10 months ago: mssola added keyword "nes" to this project.
  • 10 months ago: mssola added keyword "6502" to this project.
  • 10 months ago: mssola added keyword "assembly" to this project.
  • 10 months ago: mssola added keyword "videogame" to this project.
  • 10 months ago: mssola started this project.
  • 10 months ago: mssola originated this project.

  • Comments

    • binary_sequence
      9 months ago by binary_sequence | Reply

      Hi, I have developed NES demo games and animations in For the tiles I use

      If you are also using cc65, I would be interested in helping.

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