I just want to learn how OpenCV works. And having a portable version would be great.
- learn how to install SLES on RPi
- learn how to install OpenCV on SLES
- learn how to configure a webcam (or two or 3) on SLES
- train a program to recognize a few objects from different angles
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Hack Week 15
almost 8 years ago by joadavis | Reply
I got past one or two problems with my SLES 12 install (reusing a MS Windows IOT card required fdisk first, time on Pi3 was way off preventing updates). But now I'm stalled with figuring out how to use a webcam on SLES and how to install openCV (don't see a handy package in YaST).
almost 8 years ago by joadavis | Reply
Well, I did get SLES 12 installed, but no prepackaged openCV drove me back to raspbian for a bit just to get that much working. I switched to openSUSE Leap 42.2 which has openCV 3.1, but I had terrible trouble with camera support. Don't know if it was aggravated by XFCE or not (many other programs were crashing out of the box). I could maybe get one frame from a camera in fswebcam, but the next one would fail to get a frame, and openCV often gave timeout errors. I did manage to get some stuff to work in openCV, like Canny edge detection and cascading face detection. I need to finish off the 'Geeko-yourself' app.
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