Project Description
Full disk encryption currently requires each stage to gain knowledge of the keys independently, which means asking the user or bundling the key (in the initramfs).
In order to avoid the hassle, let's implement a key sharing mechanism so that GRUB can boot from an encrypted volume and pass it's keys to the OS.
Goal for this Hackweek
- Add support for appending GRUB's learned keys to an initramfs.
- Enable the early init environment to use said keys to mount the encrypted volumes.
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This project is part of:
Hack Week 23
over 2 years ago by michael-chang | Reply
I had a parallel project to avoid input password twice and you might be interested in these three patches appending learned keys from grub to initramfs in regards to /etc/crypttab that could be readily picked up by linux cryptosetup. Not sure how much this aligns to your goals here, but hope this helps a bit. :)
26 days ago by msslinda | Reply
I read your project. Hope it helps me when I join slope game project.
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