Project Description

daps ( is now part of debian/ubuntu repositories. the problem is that its old version that supports DocBook up to 5.0 The aim of this project is to bring up-to-date daps infrastructure to debian/ubuntu, including DocBook 5.2, geekodoc, vale and maybe others


Looking for hackers with the skills:

buildservice debian docbook

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • 9 months ago: tbazant added keyword "docbook" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: tbazant added keyword "buildservice" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: tbazant added keyword "debian" to this project.
  • 9 months ago: tbazant joined this project.
  • 10 months ago: thomas-schraitle started this project.
  • 10 months ago: tbazant originated this project.

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