Projects in the topic security

Rancher Token Revoker

an invention by mbolot

Project Description

The token revoker aims to scan git repos for exposed rancher tokens. Once a token has been identified, the revoker can (based on configuration) warn/disable/delete the exposed token automatically.

Updated over 1 year ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

Run sandboxed Firefox with image and sound inside a container

an invention by nguyens

Project Description

Running a web browser from your PC can cause all sorts of security or anonymity issues; e-g: content downloaded could be run automatically from your PC, resulting in disk encryption or other unpleasant events. It would be great if we could run most of this in a container so that we have as much of the web browser sandboxed, and limit the PC's exposure to security events.

Updated over 1 year ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers.

Sandboxed USB Inspection

an invention by nguyens

Project Description

USB devices can be dangerous to read directly from your PC. There are countless stories of PCs being infected (e-g: filesystem encrypted) because a USB device was read without first checking the USB content. But how do you check the device content without having a look at it first?!

Updated over 1 year ago. No love. 2 followers.

Create tool for managing RPM package signing keys

an invention by dheidler

Project description

IIRC there was some article in tech news some year ago that criticized the way RPM keys are handled in the SUSE distribution.

Updated over 1 year ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 4 followers.