over 3 years
2 hacker ♥️.
I own a 3D printer / Anet AM8 / and after 1,5y its time to upgrade the electronics, mainly the stock motherboard and get it ready for multi-color printing. Also the time has come where I would like to not only download 3D models from thingiverse but also create or customize the models for my usage.
Plan is to:
- upgrade mainboard to SKR v1.3 with TMC 2208 v3.0 UART drivers, bigger graphic LCD / or MKS TFT /,
- modify and upload Marlin FW to board and calibrate it for the print surface,
- enable M600 command for multi-color printing and test it,
- there are some plugins in OctoPi for Marlin - try them,
- when this all will work fine I want to try also Klipper FW,
- improve 3D modelling skills in Tinkercad.
Looking for hackers with the skills:
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This project is part of:
Hack Week 19
over 4 years ago by rmaliska | Reply
Progress: Marlin FW adjusted as needed. MOBO tested with LCD - all works fine. PSU got an upgrade also - an 500W PC PSU, Haswell ready, 80+ bronze. Also an MOSFET for heated bed will be added. Now its time to rewire the connectors as the new MOBO uses different PINout on few ports. M600 command is enabled an will be tested later.
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