Project Description

Basically, I want to continue to what I did last time (link). Back then I got some really good results, but I didn't quite make it to a state in which the application is totally useful.

Thus, this is still a private project and I expect to work on this alone (but of course, comments and opinions are always welcome!).

Goal for this Hackweek

Similar to last time. Hopefully during this edition I will have something I can work with.


Quoting myself from last year:

> I am not looking for someone to help me on the development of this. At this stage, I'd prefer to go alone and avoid having to plan, explain, etc.; and push code fast. That being said, as I mentioned before, I'm open for new ideas from people learning languages: what has been useful to you, what would you expect from a tool such as this, etc.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

Nothing? Add some keywords!

This project is part of:

Hack Week 21


  • almost 3 years ago: mssola started this project.
  • almost 3 years ago: mssola liked this project.
  • almost 3 years ago: mssola originated this project.

  • Comments

    • MDoucha
      over 2 years ago by MDoucha | Reply

      Tip: You don't need to create a new project when you continue one which you did previously. You can simply add another Hack Week to your original project.

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