Projects in the topic performance

Phoebe - where AI meets Linux

a project by mvarlese

Project Description

Updated almost 3 years ago. 8 hacker ♥️. 7 followers.

Git stochastic bisection

a project by jankara

Bisection is a well known method of localizing which commit caused a regression in a code repository. git-bisect is a particularly used tool for this problem in git repositories. However it is often the case that the failure is probabilistic in nature - either because we don't have a reliable reproducer of the failure and thus not reproducing a problem on a particular commit does not mean the problem is not still present there, or because of inherent variability of e.g. performance regressions. Bisection for such failures is problematic as it takes only one false result for the bisection to end up in an unrelated part of code history. So in these cases we usually have to heavily extend runtime of a reproducer or do multiple test runs or multiple bisection runs to minimize a chance of error.

Updated almost 4 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.