Project Description

GTK+ software for two-factor authentication that supports both TOTP and HOTP.

Goal for this Hackweek

  • release v2.6.0 (complete all tasks in


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Hack Week 20 Hack Week 21


  • over 2 years ago: pstivanin started this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: scabrero liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: pstivanin originated this project.

  • Comments

    • pstivanin
      almost 4 years ago by pstivanin | Reply

      Day 1: porting C code to GTK4 is proceeding well. I now have to deal with manually rewriting all UI files, because GLADE doesn't support GTK4

    • pstivanin
      almost 4 years ago by pstivanin | Reply

      Day 2: I'm done with the XML part! Now all the UI files have been ported to GTK4. I also took the occasion to split the big UI file into some smaller files.

    • pstivanin
      almost 4 years ago by pstivanin | Reply

      Day 3: I'm done with the GTK4 code porting :) now I have to fix some stuff here and there before compiling and running the GTK4 version.

    • pstivanin
      almost 4 years ago by pstivanin | Reply

      Day 4: GTK4 is officially done. The stats are: 31 files changed, 1434 insertions(+), 2327 deletions(-) Now I have to check whether it runs correctly or not :) Then I'll move over to refactoring the UI.

    • pstivanin
      almost 4 years ago by pstivanin | Reply

      Day 5: I've been looking into the various possibilities for the new UI. I will take the opportunity to completely refactor the code to apply the latest GTK standards. Most likely, the new UI will be using GtkColumnViewColumn, so users won't be too affected by the move from GtkTreeView.

    • pstivanin
      over 2 years ago by pstivanin | Reply

      Release 2.6.0 is out:

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