Project Description

Inspired by one of the proposals for GSoC and given that I'm usually working on maintenance updates for SUSE Manager - Uyuni I decided to translate it to Italian. :)

Goal for this Hackweek

Given the amount of strings to be translated I'll focus on the product, leaving the user guides for the next future.


Some more details are available also here:

Looking for hackers with the skills:

uyuni localization

This project is part of:

Hack Week 20


  • almost 4 years ago: j_renner liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: pagarcia liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: dfaggioli liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: franjsco liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: franjsco joined this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: gboiko liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: juliogonzalezgil liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: deneb_alpha started this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: deneb_alpha added keyword "uyuni" to this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: deneb_alpha added keyword "localization" to this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: deneb_alpha originated this project.

  • Comments

    • deneb_alpha
      almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

      There are already some translation provided but several are also outdated.

      For hackweek I'm planning to start with the untranslated strings and, when ended, to review the old existing strings.

    • deneb_alpha
      almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply


      • Java -> 349 strings to be translated

      • deneb_alpha
        almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply


        • deneb_alpha
    • deneb_alpha
      almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

      Looks like we still have some references to SUSE Studio: like here

      • deneb_alpha
        almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply


    • deneb_alpha
    • deneb_alpha
    • deneb_alpha
      almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

      something went wrong... :(

      Note to self, when tired, have a break ;)

      I translated by mistake a variable

    • deneb_alpha
      almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

      translations still ongoing...

      This day two seems to be harder. The translations units I'm handling today are not easy to be translated to Italian in a meaningful way. Some strings are also extremely short or with a lot of code tag. SUMA folks gave me access to a demo instance for having the strings context a little bit easier to get. Moving forward checking carefully for avoiding to break tags and other parts that should not be translated

    • deneb_alpha
      almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

      tracking here as replies the commits already on master

      • deneb_alpha
      • deneb_alpha
        almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

      • deneb_alpha
        almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

    • deneb_alpha
      almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

      here we go... :)

      This component is done. waiting to see it merged.

      Moving to the next.

    • deneb_alpha
      almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

      also the component is done. :)

      moving to the next!

    • deneb_alpha
      almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

      good progress for today and in parallel I have also done some reviews of existing translations trying to use the same working in similar context.

      The route is still long but the trip is exciting! :)

    • deneb_alpha
      almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

      I'll take some notes here on things that should be checked and refined for a better and meaningful translation

      • deneb_alpha
        almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

        • Working on a common glossary
        • Errata -> better to use patch. it's used in Italian

    • deneb_alpha
      almost 4 years ago by deneb_alpha | Reply

      Collecting here via replies the different issues I reported.

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    bash chmod 600 * chmod 700 chown root:root *


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    bash /

    repository link

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