
GPUs are widely used for parallel computations and CUDA is platform which simplifies development of such applications for NVidia GPUs.

AWS has AMIs which have CUDA toolkit pre-installed and can be used on EC2 instances with NVidia GPUs, which will simplify deployment of such applications.

Some guides can be found here:


  1. Getting familiar with parallel computations using CUDA
  2. Recapping how AWS works and configuring development environment in the cloud
  3. Implementing existing parallel computing algorithm, profiling it and applying optimizations

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  • almost 6 years ago: bfilho liked this project.
  • almost 6 years ago: riafarov started this project.
  • almost 6 years ago: riafarov originated this project.

  • Comments

    • riafarov
      almost 6 years ago by riafarov | Reply

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