Project Description

Hacking on github://rancher/kim to test out some ideas. Suggestions welcome!

Goal for this Hackweek

  • get kim working on any containerd based installation
  • explore the possibilities of image builds, references, and content as first class resources (implement CRD + controller)
  • explore less privileged deployments (use the buildkit oci builder maybe?)



Looking for hackers with the skills:

containerd dockerless k3s build

This project is part of:

Hack Week 20


  • over 3 years ago: melmasry joined this project.
  • over 3 years ago: jblainchristen liked this project.
  • over 3 years ago: sdevadiga joined this project.
  • over 3 years ago: jblainchristen added keyword "dockerless" to this project.
  • over 3 years ago: jblainchristen added keyword "k3s" to this project.
  • over 3 years ago: jblainchristen added keyword "build" to this project.
  • over 3 years ago: jblainchristen added keyword "containerd" to this project.
  • over 3 years ago: jblainchristen started this project.
  • over 3 years ago: jblainchristen originated this project.

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