The situation of maintained ansible roles for boring server stuff like setting up a LEMP stack (Linux, nginx, mariadb, php) is dire and I would like to improve that. This project is about creating a handful of ansible roles with focus on
- Fully supported in openSUSE (Leap and Tumbleweed)
- Configurable to fit a basic setup but not more
- Automated testing of the deployment
- If possible support all SLE variants (SLE > 15)
- If possible support support for Debian, Ubuntu + RHEL, this is secondary though
Wishlist of roles I want to create
- LEMP stack (Linux, nginx, mariadb, php)
- LAMP stack (Linux, apache, mariadb, php)
- PXE Boot server
- Simple standalone mail server (postfix + dovecot)
- Perhaps a openQA installation role, analog to the bootstrapping bash script
Looking for hackers with the skills:
This project is part of:
Hack Week 20
about 4 years ago by pagarcia | Reply
Why not Salt?
In fact, why not go the extra mile and implement an Uyuni Cluster Provider (which is a Salt module and a one YAML file for the UI) to Uyuni?
BTW: Uyuni already provides a formula to deploy a PXE boot server with Salt. It can be used with Salt alone too:
about 4 years ago by ph03nix | Reply
The reason I still prefer ansible over salt is that I hadn't any good experiences with agentless salt, which is 100% the use case I'm aiming for.
However feel free to take that project. I'm sure, that to give people the choice to choose between
is definitely of value to the openSUSE and SUSE communities! -
about 4 years ago by ybonatakis | Reply
i am also in favor of ansible. it is more simple and clear IMO.
almost 4 years ago by ph03nix | Reply
As part of the work, I had to build a custom openSUSE Leap container that allows me to test the Ansible roles.
I've wrote a blog post about creating a custom openSUSE Leap container
almost 4 years ago by ph03nix | Reply
As finalizing touch, I've created and a rich webserver example there
over 3 years ago by nicoladm | Reply
Nice one! we can probably add these roles (or any new ones!) to this project i created the aim there is to build a desired image with kiwi and the run ansible with roles to get a running VM (or multiple) which reflects the selected roles. For libvirt it should also support multiple kvm hosts....and looking also for a way to integrate cloud platform like Azure, AWS (in that case probably terraform, pulumi is the better option but code base and the dependencies grow proportionally)
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