Our Team has been using the Salt as main tool for IasC. We did a lot of work there we learn how to use for access (ssh) control, managed DNS and so on. But some steps in this area we are still missing.
This hackweek I would like to improve our code in:
auto "state.apply" changes : once the new code in on the salt master we ATM need to manually run state.apply. This task can be part of CI in gitlab.
Reporting errors to admins. Once CI deploy the change on the minion we need to get a report if the state.apply failed. The reporting can be done in several different ways. Icinga monitoring email, a system ticket or error in Gitlab CI.
One of our salt master has ATM the code in the local git only. Due to limitation on a firewall we can not easily reach it. Let`s discovery different ways how Gitlab can delivery the code there.
Any help will be rewarded.
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Hack Week 19
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