I have a few robotic projects I wanted to work on and didn't like the idea of run Ubuntu to control them...
So I'm packaging all the Standard ROS stacks for Opensuse 15.1 and SLES 15 SP1. My goal is to build for all possible architectures. I currently build the ROS Infrastructure packages for aarch64, x86_64, and armv7l. These are required to perform a source install of ROS.
I'm also maintaining a project for external dependencies which are needed to build ROS packages. At the moment, you can build the desktop_full stack for opensuse 15.1 (x86_64). The other OS/Arch combinations are only guaranteed to build the ros_comm stack which is the lowest common denominator for writing apps/drivers to integrate with ROS.
I'm also working on packaging ROS releases for Opensuse and SLES. At the moment, I only have the ros_comm stack packaged for opensuse (x86_64,aarch64,armv7l).
ROS Melodic packaged for Opensuse
I've written a script to automate the packaging by generating _service and spec files for each package and uploading them to OBS.
When rossuse.py is completed, The melodic release repo will be populated with all the packages dependencies for the ROS metapackages. Then I will focus on packaging for SLES.
If you are interested in helping out, I could use some help with finding and packaging external dependencies and of course, testing.
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Hack Week 19
about 5 years ago by a_faerber | Reply
I already have ROS and ROS2 packages in OBS from last Hackweek. Could you please take a look at them instead of restarting from scratch?
about 5 years ago by neotinker2 | Reply
I accidentally commented on my page instead of replying to you comment, so check my comment for questions about your repos.
about 5 years ago by neotinker2 | Reply
I searched for ROS projects before I started last fall and I didn't notice yours. There appeared to be several broken attempts so I started my own.
I just took a look at yours and I liked what you did but you didn't appear to be integrated with upstream and it looks like you only built the ros_comm stack. Which ROS distro did you build? I didn't notice any distro names. I did see you were using python3 which implies you are building Noetic which is still in beta. Melodic which is the most recent stable release is suppose to be using python2. Have any of your packages been tested?
What I've been doing is to add support for opensuse and SLES to the upstream ROS project. I've written a script which uses rosdistro and rosdep to generate service and spec files to automate the build process with the eventual goal of ROS being able to initiate package builds on OBS when a package has been updated.
I'm curious, did you manually create your spec files or did you build them using some kind of automation?
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