zypper in wireguard-tools

Did a Debian OBS build: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/712261

Followed https://www.wireguard.com/quickstart/ and man wg-quick to get something working.

https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/WireGuard is also useful.

``` cd /etc/wireguard umask 077 wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey wg genpsk > secretpsk cat > wg0.conf <

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  • about 5 years ago: teclator liked this project.
  • over 5 years ago: bmwiedemann started this project.
  • over 5 years ago: bmwiedemann originated this project.

  • Comments

    • bmwiedemann
      over 5 years ago by bmwiedemann | Reply

      https://github.com/burghardt/easy-wg-quick/blob/master/easy-wg-quick also gave good hints

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