On a smaller internet connection or offline the development experience can be severely degraded. This has a big impact on hackathons or other events where multiple people want to get the same content. Workarounds over USB sticks are less usable than an automated way can be. A content addressable transport that can work on a local network without internet would be better.

There is a downside of local content addressable transports compared to protocols like HTTPS that AFAIK has no finished solution yet: Participants in the network can see what you request. If one wants to use such a transport by default this needs to be solved, otherwise it will remain an option that will only be used on networks where this downside is deemed acceptable. Find, ask around for more and summarize possible solutions.

Try using IPFS as a transport for something that is downloaded during hacking. Examples:

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 17


  • about 6 years ago: jzerebecki started this project.
  • about 6 years ago: jzerebecki originated this project.

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