Projects in the topic networking

Investigate EtherCAT fieldbus

an idea by a_faerber

The Infineon XMC4800 EtherCAT Relax Kit microcontroller board has two EtherCAT RJ45 connectors. I'd like to investigate using openSUSE (or SLES) as EtherCAT master.

Updated over 3 years ago. No love. Has no hacker: grab it!

netlink interface for ethtool

a project by mkubecek

There seems to be an overall consensus that the ioctl interface used by ethtool is a poor design as it's inflexible, error prone and notoriously hard to extend. It should clearly be replaced by netlink and obsoleted. Unfortunately not much actual work has been done in that direction until this project started. The project started in Hackweek 16 (fall 2017) and has been worked on since, both in Hackweek 17-19 and outside. First two parts of kernel implementation are in mainline since 5.6-rc1, first part of userspace implementation (ethtool utility) has been submitted to upstream at the end of Hackweek 19 (2020-02-16).

Updated over 4 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.