www.kdevelop.org: KDevelop is my favorite IDE. www.rust-lang.org: Rust is very interesting language.

Some time ago I hacked together a proof-of-concept plugin that adds support for Rust to KDevelop: https://github.com/michalsrb/kdev-rust https://github.com/michalsrb/rustc2duchain

Unfortunately I did not have much time to work on it since then. Meanwhile during this summer's GSoC Emma Gospodinova created kdev-rust plugin that works on similar principle: https://cgit.kde.org/kdev-rust.git https://cgit.kde.org/scratch/egospodinova/ast-redux.git

Her version is cleaner and got further. However, it wasn't updated since the end of August and does not compile against recent rustc.

I plan to explore her implementation and hopefully add some missing feature(s).

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Hack Week 16


  • about 7 years ago: michalsrb originated this project.

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