The idea is to create a bootable medium (eg. pendrive) that allows:

  • Selection of either SLES, Leap or Tumbleweed.
  • Autoinstallation of the OS.
  • NIS setup if workstation, unison/sync setup if laptop.
  • Corporate VPN setup in the default desktop (GNOME).
  • Thunderbird setup.
  • IRC setup (eg. X-chat GNOME).
  • Shortcuts.
  • Browser bookmarks, intranet or bookmark page as home-page.
  • Mumble
  • VoIP
  • etc

The goal is to have the employee being to work and participate from day #1. More unusual customisations can be done by the employee later (alternative WMs, mail clients, etc).

Implementation ideas:

  • Create a Salt formula that can be managed as an integral opensource project and enhanced over time.
    • Initial test infrastructure with terraform/vagrant so that it can be run in a VM or dry-run mode.
  • Enhance YaST/AutoYaST to be able to apply the formula at boot/firstboot (a project on its own)

Looking for hackers with the skills:

salt saltstack autoyast boot linux

This project is part of:

Hack Week 15 Hack Week 16


  • about 6 years ago: okurz liked this project.
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  • over 6 years ago: TBro liked this project.
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  • over 6 years ago: paper318 joined this project.
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  • almost 7 years ago: jbyers liked this project.
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  • over 7 years ago: dmaiocchi liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: dmaiocchi liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: dmaiocchi liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: dmaiocchi liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: dmaiocchi liked this project.
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  • over 7 years ago: dmaiocchi liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: mbologna started this project.
  • over 7 years ago: joachimwerner liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: diegoakechi liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: mbologna liked this project.
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    • joachimwerner
      over 7 years ago by joachimwerner | Reply

      Duncan, would the YaST/AutoYaST approach be mandatory? I'm thinking of an image-based install (via Kiwi's OEM USB image) plus Salt as an alternative. May be a bit less flexible with detecting all the hardware, but easier to maintain. The image would only have to be minimal, because all other patterns/packages can be installed later from a Salt state.

    • cschum
      over 7 years ago by cschum | Reply

      Mauro also has looked into that topic as part of our setup of developer work stations for Cloud Foundry development. Maybe there is some synergy?

    • lrupp
      over 6 years ago by lrupp | Reply

      Providing an OBS image should be possible as well as providing the needed autoyast profiles. Just ping the DevOPS team once you finished, so we can populate your results :-)

      Additional topic: think about the differences between our offices ... ;-)

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