
Main goal, is to write agnostic tool that run tests from Jenkins or other Job-schedulers against PRs on a XX github repo automatically. gitbot is already in production for suse-manager team. with this robot you can run jenkins or other job-scheduler like builbot, openQA, crontab, etc, script on each PRs. If the script/test fail, the status will submitted to the github repo.

** Why this is like more rock and roll then travis? **

If you want to test you PR-requests in github automatically with a jenkins job ( not travis one!) so if you want to make advanced tests not only with (ubuntu-docker), but with opensuse vms or others stuff, galaxy-botkins can help you to tests prs.

Additionaly, you can customize the comment that the bot will make.

Some examples are in spacewalk SUSE repo: ( as example)

Goals of hackweek:

1) make generic version of github repo tester. Just run a test( bash_script) against a xy REPO (Prs) 2) make some examples, improve the doc 3) make some units-test, setup rubocop for the github-repo

Looking for hackers with the skills:

Nothing? Add some keywords!

This project is part of:

Hack Week 15


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    • cschum
      about 8 years ago by cschum | Reply

      How does this compare to Prophet?

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    This project is one of its kind!