Sometimes, you want a flexible way to handle certain situations involving C++ exceptions, particularly those for which alternative actions are either easily encapsulated, do not substantially interrupt the program flow, or must cross a foreign-function interface or thread boundary.
A useful idiom is to rewrite attempts to perform an action with such forms of exception handling as instead returning a monadic value, like with C++17's std::optional<>:
// Given:
string read_first_line(const string&);
string handle_read_error(std::exception&);
// Construct a new function:
auto first_line_reader = attempt(read_first_line, handle_read_error);
// Usage:
auto first_line = first_line_reader("input.txt");
cout << *first_line << '\n';
It's useful to compare this with both traditional exception handling and Lippincott functions.
For purposes of crossing FFI or thread boundaries, consider the possibility of writing a function that strictly forwards parameters into the local code, and then strictly returns it's optional value-- it never leaves any possibility of an exception leaking (which generally means a crash).
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about 8 years ago by jwilliamson | Reply
Note that exceptional::attempt() is variadic-- you can write:
auto fn = attempt(f, h0, h1, h2);
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