I want to create a basic web dashboard for Jenkins view with help of Jenkins XML API , Pharo, Seaside and Bootstrap. The biggest benefit for me would be if I can learn how to handle with Classes and its instances containing data from Jenkins in pure object programming language.

My goal is to display overall status of the collections in form of progress bars (as openQA does) with info about failed and succeeded slenkins-testcases. Collection view (eg. https://slenkins.suse.de/jenkins/view/Collections-review/) in Jenkins contains list of current SLES builds and each collection has subprojects containing slenkins-testsuites triggered by Jenkins CI for this SLES build.

All needed data are available through Jenkins XML API, I'll need only two kinds of GET requests and its responses from Jenkins:

  • GET collections URLs from the view: https://jenkins.server.ci/jenkins/view/Collections/api/xml will return a XML with URLs like http://jenkins.server.ci/jenkins/job/collection-SLE_12_SP2_Build1641-x86_64-default/
  • GET more detailed (eg result of the test) info from each collection and its build aka slenkins-testsuites: result of GET before +lastBuild/api/xml?depth=2&xpath=//triggeredBuild/url|//triggeredBuild/result|//duration&wrapper=aList

The project will be usable for any Jenkins CI instance not only for SLEnkins.

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  • about 8 years ago: dmaiocchi liked this project.
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  • about 8 years ago: dmaiocchi liked this project.
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  • about 8 years ago: dmaiocchi disliked this project.
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  • about 8 years ago: thehejik liked this project.
  • about 8 years ago: thehejik started this project.
  • about 8 years ago: thehejik originated this project.

  • Comments

    • dmaiocchi
      about 8 years ago by dmaiocchi | Reply

      cool ! :)

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