Continue with a systemd alternative/replacementan invention by dsterba Previous hackweeks spent on research (project/220), other alternatives. This time I'm |
A fresh look at Crowbar scope and UIan invention by romanarcea The project is about taking a fresh look at Crowbar UI for SOC provisioning. Main goal is to mock user workflows that would allow to scale Crowbar to support multiple datacenters, a more flexible way to add large number of nodes and manipulate services, as well as control and customize various types of hardware groups. |
Improve py2packan invention by tbechtold py2pack is the prefered tool todo Python packaging for openSUSE. There are multiple issues. The one I want to focus on is the dependency detection which is tricky for Python packages. |
Build Docker images with pure Saltan invention by dmacvicar Results |
Upstream Salt snapper supportan invention by dmacvicar Prepare the module and concept done for the CSM Workshop and prepare it for upstream inclusion. |
TumbleSLE - Applying Tumbleweed Logic to the SLE codebase for more efficient testing & developmentan invention by RBrownSUSE Right now internal SLE development is still organised & structured around the concept of 'Milestones'. Schedules are defined, deadlines are set, and off we go making Alpha 1, 2, 3, Betas 1, 2, 3, RC's, and so on. |
Get terraform-provider-libvirt closer to releasean invention by dmacvicar terraform-provider-libvirt adds libvirt support to terraform. |
Learning saltan invention by ktsamis Salt seems like a technology that's spreading around and more and more people are using it so I thought I'd learn more about it. I plan to create or use existing VM's to monitor and manage them with salt in order to learn more about it. |
Learn gitbook.coman invention by lrupp allows you to combine repositories on with a simple to use WebUI for writing books. As result, your crazy content in your (or whatever *.md) files will become available for your customers as book in form of a pdf, epub or mobi download. |
Prettify room booking displays in Nurembergan invention by algraf Nuremberg recently received room booking displays that would in theory show the current occupation of rooms. Unfortunately they are Windows CE based. And they don't actually show anything useful because we don't use Exchange. |