Work reports 2.0a project by kalabiyau Micro-service for - making a report |
Portus: build Docker images from Dockerfilea project by flavio_castelli Minimal objectiveThis is what we consider is the minimum result we can achieve at the end of the hackweek. |
Docker: Image Rebasingan invention by cyphar
Golang: Hack on DroneCIan idea by tboerger I want to spend some time on hacking missing features of the awesome CI tool Drone. It's written in Golang and is built around docker. |
Add PIDs cgroup support to runC and Dockeran invention by cyphar Currently, dealing with forkbombs and similar issues with Docker and runC is not very nice (you have to set a global limit for all Docker processes or you have to limit kernel memory which isn't very practical). I'm going to work on getting [some][1] [patches][2] merged into runC and Docker to enable PIDs support for Docker. |