The Firefly-RK3288 is the first SBC with the Rockchip RK3288 SoC, the first available chip with Cortex-A17 cores (32-bit ARMv7). I received such a board just in time for Hackweek Interstellar and will be looking into booting an upstream kernel with openSUSE 13.2/Factory rootfs.
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Hack Week 11 Hack Week 12
almost 10 years ago by greenfross | Reply
G'day currently working on firefly linux-4.0.0. My development environments are all opensuse currently 13.1 and 13.2. would be interested in helping with the port as I am a long time opensuse user. linux-4.0.0 is a good place to start with since it has a number of the main features needed for the rk3288. There are still many features needed to be incorporated to fully support the firefly hardware.
What is the current state of this project?
I have a number of firefly boards being used for development.
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