Packages for vagrantan idea by tboerger To really start with vagrant within the company and our company it would be awesome to create real SUSE packages for vagrant and some other cool and important plugins. It's not that easy like it sounds because vagrant runs within the upstream rpm in an embedded ruby container that needs to be fixed for our system packages. |
SUSE Bug Query Enginea project by LPechacek In short, give second breath to |
Resistance is Futile - Using zypper to "upgrade" CentOS/RHEL to openSUSE/SLESa project by RBrownSUSE zypper is magic |
Improve ftpboot for z/VMa project by azouhr Installing linux on z/VM requires some way to punch kernel/initrd/parmfile into the reader which in turn can be booted. In a previous hackweek, I wrote a small tool, that makes it possible to do so directly from the internal ftp server. this has been proven valuable but not perfect. |
Git like subcommand support for zypperan idea by mlandres Add subcommand support for zypper. That is, if 'zypper foo' is not found, look for %{_libexec}/zypper/zypper-foo just like git does. Then those subcommands could be binaries linked to libzypp or just scripts. |
Teach zypp to query/download/mirror multiarch reposan idea by mlandres Zypp offers only those items within a repository, which are 'installable', i.e. 'compatible' with the systems architecture. |
A SUSE chronicle 0.1a project by rhaidl Talking to people, getting the information about what had happened in the SUSE history, bringing all together to kind of a chronicle. Let's give it a try :-) |
Machinery Inspectors for RHEL Systemsa project by tgoettlicher Machinery supports inspection of SLES11 and SLES12 systems right now. |