Rebirth Guile-Lua

a project by NalaGinrut

GNU Guile-2.2 will be based on brand new backend, CPS(continuation passing style) as the most significant IR, and a RegisterVM. These are the prerequisite for the final AOT compiler. The old Guile-Lua is old for compatible with the brand new RegisterVM, moreover, it uses LL(1) which is painful for hacking. I've rewritten the parser with LALR and all the intermediate part before transfer it to Tree-IL which is another iR before CPS. Besides, I'm trying to add type-inferencing and partial-evaluation for Lua specific optimizing. Although there's partial-evaluator in Guile backend, it's a generic one for all the front-end languages.

Updated about 2 years ago. No love.

Build a sharable local virtualization testing environment

a project by cyliu

Currently whenever there is a test, we need to find or build environment on our own machine or borrow some one else's machine temparorily. I hope we can collect all testing machines in our local team and build a sharable testing environment. Every one can reserve and use the machine, add machine, check machine info to find proper one (hardware and software) for test, share vm images, share other testing related resources, etc.

Updated about 7 years ago. No love.

Say Hello To Ceph!

a project by wanglh

Learn ceph architecture and try to deploy a ceph cluster.

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Warp speed for virtualization CI testing

a project by jfehlig

The virtualization team's automated testing has a long history. It was born in the old Novell Integration Test framework. The virtualization lab ran an instance of this framework for many years. Over time, those who knew the framework left the company, taking their knowledge and leaving little documentation behind. As our testing needs increased, we found the old framework insufficient, but saw little value in improving it given the available open source CI frameworks. Before burying ourselves in SLE12 development, we took some time to move our automated tests under control of a Jenkins instance running in our lab. Tests were configured to run when new packages landed in our SLE12 devel project, ensuring our queued SLE12 submissions were continuously tested. But more is needed.

Updated about 5 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

Look into Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) for KVM Virtualization

an idea by bfrogers

Learn more about SGX and how that might get used with KVM Virtualization.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

kvmctx - a tool similar to xenctx, but for KVM

a project by bfrogers

I just learned about xenctx, which is used to help debug Xen issues. I am wondering if it would be easily ported to KVM. If not, perhaps at least creating the equivalent for KVM may be useful for handling problems with KVM guests.

Updated about 7 years ago. No love.

Shell script merging for crash use on L3 Europe and NTS USA core dump servers

a project by dmair

Each of the core dump upload servers in Europe and USA could be improved if the shell scripts were combined so that the same tasks can be performed on each site, e.g. downloading of all packages needed for crash usage with a specified core dump by allowing for configurable (or even automated) selection of locations to obtain data packages from.

Updated about 4 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

WSS Kernel team After-Hours schedule interface

a project by jpetersen

Working on a way to add exceptions using javascript (jquery), php, json, and mysql to modify the generated calendar used to manage who is on after hours.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

pxe boot once

an idea by osynge

pxe + autoyast is awesome but when multiple people share a pxe server is a pain. I understand foreman / chef provide a solution for this, but they are linked to puppet / chef. What I want is a simple modular tool to make life easy. pxe boot would allows you to send a simple http request and the next reboot of the server / VM will boot a non interactive fresh install.


Updated about 7 years ago. No love. Has no hacker: grab it!

Debconf Done Right For SUSE

an idea by osynge


  • Puppet Chef and similar tools are for Admins to Enforce state, but this is too forceful for a distribution wanting to allow admins to override our settings.
Updated about 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!