After the next thing to merge is hermes.
Use ActionMailer for events
- events about requests you created
- events about requests your target maintainer
- target maintainer is extended to devel package maintainer
- events about new build failures in your packages
- being able to blacklist specific packages from getting mail
- being able to retrieve mails about projects/packages without roles
- comments in "your" projects/packages
- new comments in threads you take a role in
- events about maintenance incidents you're packager in
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over 11 years ago by vuntz | Reply
One use case (which is arguably only for a few people deeply involved) is being able to watch everything that happens in a hierarchy of projects. For instance, I'd like to be notified of absolutely everything related to Cloud:OpenStack:Havana and its subprojects. That includes commits, metadata changes, new build failures, sr from these projects, etc.
Right now, this requires setting up several subscriptions in hermes, and the regexp filter doesn't seem to work well so you have to list all subprojects.
(Ideally, I'd also be able to add exceptions to be able to ignore a subproject; it's not possible right now in hermes because you can't have negative filters)
about 11 years ago by dirkmueller | Reply
I'd like to get notified of all source commits in a given project. It might be one that I have write access to (via group maintainership) or one that is only written to via a dedicated Jenkins user (in order to see what passed CI testing).
It would also be nice to be able ignore commits from certain users (like obsapibmwiedemann or however that jenkins user is called).
about 11 years ago by dirkmueller | Reply
It is currently really hard to filter "request" mails as they neither have a descriptive subject tag to filter on or a from: address (can't filter on sender: in my webmailer :/ ).
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