The CRUSH algorithm determines how to store and retrieve data by computing data storage locations. CRUSH empowers Ceph clients to communicate with OSDs directly rather than through a centralized server or broker. With an algorithmically determined method of storing and retrieving data, Ceph avoids a single point of failure, a performance bottleneck, and a physical limit to its scalability. CRUSH requires a map of your cluster, and uses the CRUSH map to pseudo-randomly store and retrieve data in OSDs with a uniform distribution of data across the cluster.

This project aims at creating graphs of the crush map, for better visualization of the Ceph cluster.

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Hack Week 11


  • over 10 years ago: wanglh liked this project.
  • over 10 years ago: osynge joined this project.
  • over 10 years ago: qakapil started this project.
  • over 10 years ago: osynge liked this project.
  • over 10 years ago: qakapil originated this project.

  • Comments

    • osynge
      over 10 years ago by osynge | Reply

      This will be super useful for the ceph team, also is very cool and easy for making graphs.

    • osynge
      over 10 years ago by osynge | Reply

      I asked if anyone had made a nice crushmap visualisation tool on ceph irc and a guy with email address offered to help. He works for a company providing ceph support and is FULL of ideas, based in France and seems very friendly.

    • qakapil
      over 10 years ago by qakapil | Reply

      Thanks Owen for this idea

    • osynge
      over 10 years ago by osynge | Reply has sent us their production crushmap with tiering and erasure code enabled to help get his project going, hoping for more to come in in the next days.

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