Android libvirt client

a project by cbosdonnat

The project aims at kick-starting an Android application to manage libvirt-based VMs and containers. The libvirt build on android expedition has already been completed during hackweek 10 and refreshed here. Which leaves for hackweek to use libvirt-java bindings to use it.

Updated about 2 years ago. No love.

Broaden image segmentation functionality of OpenCV

a project by mbenes

OpenCV is an open source computer vision and image processing library ( During the hackweek I'd like to broaden a set of image segmentation algorithms in the library with at least the simplest ones. The indices for objective measuring of segmentation quality and first step for segmentation fusion might be other choices.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.


a project by wiederda

Package a basic, stripped down version of sysvinit for emergency cases, so you can repair a failed system without interference. My goal is not to replace systemd with sysvinit again, but to provide a sysvinit-base package that does not have any dependencies at all and can just be installed on any system. sysvinit will only be used in exception situations by specifying the kernel parameter "init=/sbin/init" or something like that. The package will come with the binary, a minimal inittab and a basic boot script that does only the really needed stuff. Experiment with an extension to have sysvinit execve systemd, so people can boot into their allmighty uber-daemon once the system has been fixed.

Updated about 5 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

Package DAPS for Debian using the BuildService

a project by tbazant

DAPS ( is a tool we use in the documentation team to create/validate/export/... docbook documents. It's currently available for SUSE and openSUSE systems, and I believe that packaging it for Debian GNU Linux would help both the DAPS and the Linux community (and me myself as I'm using Debian at home as well :-)

Updated about 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

evince: personal pdf center

a project by dliang

[User] who has lots of PDFs to read

Updated about 7 years ago. No love.

fix performance problem in soundkonverter

a project by wiederda

I'm using soundkonverter a lot (my whole music collection is flac, but for the car or my children I prefer mp3) and it is working fine. However when doing mass conversions, building the list of files to convert can take ages. It seems the filelist is being re-created for every title added. Debug it and try to fix it in order to speed up this operation.

Updated about 7 years ago. No love.

Take a stroll in dependency hell

a project by jgleissner

While packaging node.js modules, which often depend on specific versions of other node.js modules, sometimes many of them, you easily end up in dependency hell, and maintaining an OBS project with a few hundred of those modules can be a tedious task. So the idea for this project is to familiarise myself with how exactly dependencies are managed on package and repository level, check out what tools exist to drill into dependency data, and hack something that helps keeping OBS repositories in a dependency consistent state.

Updated about 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

package inputlirc (or add it to existing lirc package)

a project by wiederda

inputlirc is superior to previous lirc input daemon as it can monitor multiple input sources at the same time. This is needed for some new remote controls that appear as two devices, providing both virtual keypresses as well as mouse clicks. Since I'm too lazy to always build the package manually, I would like to have it available for OpenSUSE.

Updated about 7 years ago. No love.

finish de-l3slaveing of crash-setup

a project by mhocko

The primary motivation for crash-setup (created by l3team) is to make kernel crashdumps deployment and crash using as easy as possible. This has been the case for quite some time except the tool was quite l3slave centric. With a great help from tcech the tool is close to be fully usable from other machines and !.de network as well. Let's finish the last pieces. This looks like a very minor project but it will be great to have it finally!

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

understand and possibly improve cscope

a project by mhocko

cscope is a great tool index C/C++ sources and allow to navigate through the code. I have learned that the project is mostly dead and what is worse it uses its own database format to store the index. I would like to see some extended functionality in the tool - e.g. search whether a function A is reachable from B, filtering search results per-file, fix functions with function parameter detection (such functions are not recognized properly currently) and some others. See if the cscope specific storage can be replaced by a more generic database (sqlite?) and understand how the code flow works so that new extensions would be easier to implement.

Updated about 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.