Tempest is a functional test suite used for OpenStack. It would normally run in the order of 800 tests over the period of 2 hours on a newly installed OpenStack infrastructure.
Tempest is written in Python and uses nosetests as the basis of its test framework. There is a large amount of verbose that is streamed to the log file and there is also considerable ambiguity in the overall success rate.
In the Cloud Team I have tried to run Tempest on a regular basis to determine and have always used diff tools to see whether anything is broken or if there has been some improvement. However communicating this information to the management and other team members hasn't been easy. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to develop a dashboard in a web UI, which uses an engine to analyze all the Tempest log files, displaying all files in chronological order (date/time) in columns and each individual test displayed in a row. I would also like to colour-code the each test result (green=pass, red=fail, yellow=error, grey=skipped).
This would be of great importance to us on the QA team for reporting progress on Cloud development in the future.
I propose to write the web ui as either a Java servlet (JSP) or in PHP and I haven't quite yet decided what to code the engine in.
I estimate this project will take 5 days to achieve my goal.
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over 11 years ago by dirkmueller | Reply
Jenkins actually has all of that integrated already (tracking number of success/failures and render trend graphs) as well as collecting the log files.
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