Resistance is Futile - Using zypper to "upgrade" CentOS/RHEL to openSUSE/SLES

a project by RBrownSUSE

zypper is magic

A number of experiments suggest that it may be feasible to run zypper from an openSUSE 'live' media against a 'foreign' RPM based OS installation (eg. CentOS) and then 'zypper dup' to openSUSE

Updated over 4 years ago. 23 hacker ♥️.

bug screening helper

a project by bmwiedemann

The Problem: many bugs filed for openSUSE go to the screening-team by default and often remain there for weeks, so that developers (who would be interested in analyzing or fixing these bugs) do not learn about them. However, the screening process is a hard one

Updated over 2 years ago. 8 hacker ♥️.

openSUSE Landing Page Prototype

a project by hennevogel

www.opensuse.org is the single most accessed page in the SUSE/openSUSE universe. With 1.5 million visits per month it generates 2.5 million page views and has around 500 people on the page at any given time. Yet it's one of the oldest, crufty pages we have! It doesn't concentrate on what it should do: Tell people about the distro so they download it. It's design is 5 years old, it's not mobile, it's not accessible. There is absolutely no interactive, engaging content at all and the technology used goes as far as a shell script/cron to update dynamic content.

Updated over 2 years ago. 30 hacker ♥️.


an invention by e_bischoff

Twopence is (will be) a remote execution engine for tests, able to run tests in virtual machines and real hardware through various means of communication : virtio for KVM / QEmu, ssh on top of libssh, serial lines. This library can be called from shell and ruby wrappers. While it is already functional (and used), it still needs polishing, stabilizing, and extending. It is also planned to integrate it with Pennyworth (project Machinery) and let it go fully Open Source.

Updated about 5 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️.

Create the Draft/Concept doc for Studio 2.0

a project by mistinie

It's 1.5yrs since we've launched the last Studio version. Customers are asking about a roadmap, a new version... After discussions with AJ, Adrian, Alex, I want to create a draft plan/concept how such a Studio successor could look like.

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Learn Salt by converting ansible scripts to salt states.

a project by kbaikov

I would like to learn Salt by converting ansible scripts to salt states. Current ansible scripts do some QA tasks on cloud nodes, so i thought it would be a good idea to convert them to salt after reading salt tutorial.

Updated about 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Make disk encryption options configurable in YaST installer

a project by AndreasStieger

In the YaST installer, make disk encryption method, mode, key strength, random source etc configurable. The rationale is that user requirements may differ, and we would like to offer some advanced options instead of changing defaults.

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

openQA Notifier - A Chrome extension for monitoring your openQA instance status

a project by mlin7442

Displays your openQA instance status, the feature/behavior should had at least like the list below,

Option page

Updated about 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Plymouth status screen(s) for offline updates

a project by badshah400


The openSUSE plymouth theme presently lacks a nice graphical screen to inform

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Connect maintenance

a project by -miska-

openSUSE Connect is almost forgotten tool used only for elections. It would be nice to update it, polish it a little bit, disable functions that nobody uses and fix those few that people would actually like to use.

Updated about 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Restructure KIWI ext? file system image build

a project by rjschwei

Implement file system image build using the Builder infrastructure. The project will create additional builders for the ext filesystems laying the ground work for restructuring other filesystem builders.

Updated about 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Test openQA in openQA with openQA using openQA for openQA

a project by RBrownSUSE

Occasionally, new versions of openQA break things. How do you stop that? MORE TESTING! Testing openQA by using openQA to ensure the new versions don't break should be a good example of how openQA can test everything and anything, even itself.

Updated over 2 years ago. 10 hacker ♥️.

Tumbleweed as a Server OS?

a project by RBrownSUSE

My home server, and my other box hosting https://sysrich.co.uk are both in need of a bit of a refresh While I could be nice and conservative and pick an openSUSE regular release, I'm actually considering using openSUSE Tumbleweed, and fully embracing the 'Servers as Cattle' concept

Updated over 4 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Research Testing Tools for GFX Stack & how they can be used in openQA

a project by eeich

<p>There are numerous testing tools for the GFX stack available - the oldes being the xtest suite. At the same time, we are still lacking automated test environments for the funktionalities of DRM, Mesa and X. Ideally the tests should be performed automatically and unattended and the results should be compared to previous runs to detect regressions.</p> <p>Research what tools exist to date and how they can be employed.</p>

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Learning REXX and improve FTPBOOT for installing and testing our S390 builds

a project by mgriessmeier

Learning REXX and improve FTPBOOT for installing and testing our S390 builds

Updated about 3 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

fedmsg for SUSE services

an invention by oholecek

Our beloved competitor developed and use project-wide message bus called Fedora Infrastructure Message Bus. This project was already adapted, or is being adapted, also by Debian community. During Lucky Thirteen I want to get deeply familiar with the concept and implementation, deploy test scenario and write plugins for OBS and openQA to talk to each other.

Updated about 5 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Deploy openQA and review the test scripts

a project by XJin

For our daily work, usually we need to check running result from openQA as a good reference for the quality of a specific build. I'd like to take this chance to make openQA deployed and try to review the test scripts.

Updated about 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Review scripts in openQA project

a project by yosun

To say it's a review, it's better to say it's a good way to learn from others. I'll review test scripts in openQA project as much as I can, digest them and learn how to write Perl script more pretty. I'll make some notes for sharing.

Updated about 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Automated testing of accessibility

a project by coolo

The goal of openQA is "test as a QA engineer". But openQA has no ears - all we can test for are DTMF sounds. And even those are very bad. So my hackweek project is to do research on how to do proper sound verification. The keys are proper normalization of the volume and the sample rate.

Updated about 5 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️.

Use jenkins as openQA UI

an invention by okurz


jenkins is a great CI system (continuous integration) with a plethora of plugins available. SUSE QA uses openQA extensively as it excels in distribution and product testing - not only image comparison (common misconception ;-) ). How about combining both in using jenkins with plugins to act as a UI for openQA?

Updated over 2 years ago. 11 hacker ♥️.

VNC protocol to openQA testcase writer

a project by fcrozat

By analysing a VNC session, we can create a draft of an openQA testcase (detecting keystroke, mouse click and generating fullscreen needles). The project is to :

Updated about 5 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️.

TumbleSLE - Applying Tumbleweed Logic to the SLE codebase for more efficient testing & development

an invention by RBrownSUSE

Right now internal SLE development is still organised & structured around the concept of 'Milestones'. Schedules are defined, deadlines are set, and off we go making Alpha 1, 2, 3, Betas 1, 2, 3, RC's, and so on. Meanwhile, QA has evolved, and with openQA and other automated tooling we are increasingly testing SLE in a more agile, rolling model, testing every single build as soon as it's produced by OBS, and just paying extra attention to the Milestones with additional manual testing.

Updated about 5 years ago. 10 hacker ♥️.

Windows 10 in openQA

a project by lnussel

To make sure openSUSE can coexist nicely with an existing Windows installation, we need to have automated regression testing. UEFI and secure boot are especially interesting.That means installing Windows and openSUSE in parallel in openQA. Instead of just uploading some prepared hard disk image, openQA should ideally install Windows itself and save the generated image. In a second run openQA can then install the latest Leap or TW on that disk image.

Updated over 2 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

OpenQA appliance

a project by bear454

This is an idea that's been kicking around for a while... maybe it's finally time to "make it so." Minimally:

Updated about 5 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️.

openQA Package Testing

a project by RBrownSUSE

openQA has a well earned reputation as a 'full system' testing tool, able to test a system end-to-end from the operating system to it's applications on a number of different platforms and architectures, including VM's & Bare Metal. But one area of weakness is it's usefulness as a testing tool for developers or packagers. openQA can easily test a package once it's INSIDE a distribution, but how do you test that package BEFORE submitting it to the distribution?

Updated almost 5 years ago. 13 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

openQA web UI improvements

a project by asmorodskyi

  1. currently when you navigate to Test Results page - it will load everything before show you the page. I plan to change this model into "load on demand" approach
  2. Test Details page currently show you thumbnails for all modules. Want to add expand/collapse functionality for thumbnails - by default you will not see them for passed modules. But you will have ability to expand them. Also I will add "Expand All"/"Collapse All"
Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Kubic Desktop - aka Sgt Peppers Read Only Hearts Club Band

a project by RBrownSUSE

The Kubic Project currently produces a "CaaSP-like" Tumbleweed OS, focused on Kubernetes clusters However many of the attributes of Kubic (read-only filesystem, transactional updates, containerised services) could be an interesting platform for another use A Chromebook-like Linux Desktop

Updated over 2 years ago. 10 hacker ♥️.

Switch to MicroOS desktop.

a project by lpalovsky

Few months ago I switched my home workstation and media center to Micro OS desktop and I cannot imagine switching back to normal distribution. After some consideration I realized it should work fine (even better) on the notebook I am using for work.

Updated over 2 years ago. 12 hacker ♥️. 6 followers.

Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • about 3 years ago: RBrownSUSE liked Switch to MicroOS desktop.
  • about 3 years ago: RBrownSUSE liked MicroOS Desktop
  • about 3 years ago: RBrownSUSE started Switch to MicroOS desktop.
  • over 4 years ago: RBrownSUSE started Learning how to properly build Distros in home: projects
  • over 4 years ago: RBrownSUSE originated Learning how to properly build Distros in home: projects
  • over 4 years ago: RBrownSUSE started MicroOS for SystemZ
  • over 4 years ago: RBrownSUSE originated MicroOS for SystemZ
  • almost 5 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "opensuse" to MicroOS Desktop
  • almost 5 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "tumbleweed" to MicroOS Desktop
  • almost 5 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "gnome" to MicroOS Desktop
  • almost 5 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "flatpak" to MicroOS Desktop
  • almost 5 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "kiwi" to MicroOS Desktop
  • almost 5 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "obs" to MicroOS Desktop
  • almost 5 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "distribution" to MicroOS Desktop
  • almost 5 years ago: RBrownSUSE started MicroOS Desktop
  • almost 5 years ago: RBrownSUSE originated MicroOS Desktop
  • almost 6 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "transactionalupdates" to Transact all the THINGS - sorting out my personal infra
  • almost 6 years ago: RBrownSUSE started Transact all the THINGS - sorting out my personal infra
  • almost 6 years ago: RBrownSUSE originated Transact all the THINGS - sorting out my personal infra
  • almost 6 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "kubernetes" to OpenShift Origin on Kubic
  • almost 6 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "packaging" to OpenShift Origin on Kubic
  • almost 6 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "containers" to OpenShift Origin on Kubic
  • almost 6 years ago: RBrownSUSE added keyword "satanicrituals" to OpenShift Origin on Kubic
  • almost 6 years ago: RBrownSUSE started OpenShift Origin on Kubic
  • almost 6 years ago: RBrownSUSE originated OpenShift Origin on Kubic
  • All Activity