LLM assisted reverse engineeringan idea by ytripathi Description |
Research Game Theory in Traffic Managementan idea by ytripathi Description |
Setup Kanidm as OIDC provider on Kubernetesa project by jkuzilek DescriptionI am planning to upgrade my homelab Kubernetes cluster to the next level and need an OIDC provider for my services, including K8s itself. |
Gen-AI chatbots and test-automation of generated responsesa project by mdati Description |
Create object oriented API for perl's YAML::XS module, with YAML 1.2 Supporta project by tinita Description |
Debug a bug in kubernetes/kubernetesan idea by rohitsakala DescriptionFind a bug in the project https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes and try to solve it. |
Find a bug in Google Chromea project by Etheryte Description |
Automate PR processa project by idplscalabrini DescriptionThis project is to streamline and enhance the pr review process by adding automation for identifying some issues like missing comments, identifying sensitive information in the PRs like credentials. etc. By leveraging GitHub Actions and golang hooks we can focus more on high-level reviews |
obs-service-elixir_mix_depsa project by alessio.biancalana DescriptionI'd like to explore the creation of a source service to help vendoring the dependencies for an Elixir project. |
Homelab DNS on Raspberry Pi / openSUSE MicroOS with podman & CoreDNSa project by paulgonin DescriptionMini project to replace the homelab dns with a 'hands off' / self updating CoreDNS DNS server with openSUSE MicroOS |
Highly Avaliable DNS for nonprofit organization hkfree.orga project by opithart DescriptionI take part in a non-profit organization which seeks to share knowledge, teach tech and connect people in Hradec Králové region to it's network and the internet. It's called hkfree.org |
Creates a Google Sheets Extension for SubHub OEM APIa project by cwh DescriptionLet Product Ops request OEM Keys by just a few mouse clicks. |
Simulacra: Explore local multi-vm test environmentsa project by gbhatia Exploring (mostly) declarative distributed test scenarios that involve multiple (virtual) machines, locally. This makes use of the NixOS integration test driver. |
obs-service-vendor_node_modulesan idea by cdimonaco Description |
Fix RSpec tests in order to replace the ruby-ldap rubygem in OBSa project by enavarro_suse Description |
Improve various phones kernel mainline support (Qualcomm, Exynos, MediaTek)an idea by pvorel Similar to previous hackweeks ( https://hackweek.opensuse.org/projects/improve-qualcomm-soc-msm8994-slash-msm8992-kernel-mainline-support, https://hackweek.opensuse.org/projects/test-mainline-kernel-on-an-older-qualcomm-soc-msm89xx-explore-mainline-kernel-qualcomm-mainlining) try to improve kernel mainline support of various phones. |
tscs - Trento checks for supportconfigan idea by s_schmidt DescriptionThe idea is to make Trento checks usable for support cases by using them on supportconfigs and other files usually easy available to Support. |
Create some Rust crates for the Bevy ECS enginea project by vcuadradojuan Description |
Improve libzyppa project by jtorres DescriptionTry to make libzypp a bit more flexible when you try to use it but there's already something using it and you get a message like: |
Tracking fixes 3rd generationa project by mfranc DescriptionThere are currently 2 versions of tracking fixes. One is used in CI (and ./scripts/git-fixes)[1] and (unfortunately, it doesn't handle reverts) the other is for sending emails to developers. The first one is relatively fast (for its usecases) and the other is relatively slow and made for bulk processing only. Both are single-threaded. |
Learning Game Development with Unitya project by tmuntan1 Description |
Remote control for Adam Audio active monitor speakersa project by dmach DescriptionI own a pair of Adam Audio A7V active studio monitor speakers. |
A way a for Longhorn UI automationa project by cchien DescriptionDuring each release cycle, Longhorn QA needs to run a UI sanity check. We should explore ways to automate the Longhorn UI testing process. |
Running a Wayland only system for both Tumbleweed and Leap 15.6.an idea by yfjiang Description |
Learn enough Golang and hack on CoreDNSa project by jkuzilek DescriptionI'm implementing a split-horizon DNS for my home Kubernetes cluster to be able to access my internal (and external) services over the local network through public domains. I managed to make a PoC with the k8s_gateway plugin for CoreDNS. However, I soon found out it responds with IPs for all Gateways assigned to HTTPRoutes, publishing public IPs as well as the internal Loadbalancer ones. |
enhancing FunKeys OSan idea by lansuse DescriptionThe FunKey S is the world's smallest foldable retro-gaming console. |
YQPkg - Bringing the Single Package Selection Back to Lifea project by shundhammer tl;dr |
Explore NVIDIA GPU on SL Microan idea by Julie_CAO DescriptionSLE Micro is a new product of SUSE. We have 2 NVIDIA GPU cards installed in our test machines, A10 and A30. The vGPU tests on SLE has been running for a few years since SLE15SP5. I am insterested in how GPU works on SL Micro. |
Ansible for add-on managementa project by lmanfredi Description |
Kill DMA and DMA32 memory zonesa project by ptesarik Description |
New KDE Plasma notification app/appleta project by apappas DescriptionMy memory is terrible so I depend a lot on notifications to carry me through the workday. As a plasma user I am ok with the current applet, but I don't love it. It is too small for the centrality it has in my day. Also I dislike how you can not go back to notifications you have dismissed |
Tracing system calls with eBPFa project by doreilly DescriptionMany security tools need to record system calls like execve. Using the Linux audit system for this can have a detrimental performance impact in some cases. |
Turing screen for notifications on OSXa project by eminguez Description |
Learning VMWare vsphere, vsan and esx upgrades.a project by uschairer DescriptionLearning VMWare vsphere, vsan and esx upgrades. |
Smarter Home with Home Assistantan idea by JonathanKang DescriptionIn previous hackweek, I setup a few automations and integrations that made my life easier. I had a few ideas to improve the current status, so I'd like to implement them in this hackweek. |
Create Video that reacts to music in real timean idea by simotek DescriptionProjectM is probably the best place to start with this, but i'd also possibly like to intergrate midi and Maybe OBS Studio as well as Pixivisor. If people know of other Linux options then maybe i'll play with them as well. |
Explore RAW photo group and similarity by open source alternative: darktable and rawspeedan idea by dawei_pang DescriptionI am a bird watching enthusiast and often takes many RAW photos in continuous shutter, camera can help to group photos by shutter but most common software cannot read the information. |
Play with esp32 and arduino to create domotics stuffa project by aginies Descriptiongot some esp32 board and multiple small periphericals since a while at home, its time to play with them and learn a bit more about this stuff. Connect them to Home assistant. |
SMB3 Server written entirely in Rusta project by dmulder DescriptionGiven the number of bugs frequently discovered in the Samba code caused by memory issues, it makes sense to re-write the smbd service purely in Rust code. Meanwhile, it would be wise to abandon backwards compatibility here with insecure protocol versions, and simply implement the SMB3 spec. |
wayland, emacs, ssh and tmux... copy&past is brokena project by wagi DescriptionThe copy&past situation is broken, we all know that. And nothing will fix this. |
RC hold the flag - Gamea project by cfconrad DescriptionUtilize an esp32 + RX5808 + WS2812 LED-stripe to build a "Hold the flag" game, used with any 5Ghz FPV remote control vehicles. |
Improve UML page fault handlera project by ptesarik DescriptionImprove UML handling of segmentation faults in kernel mode. Although such page faults are generally caused by a kernel bug, it is annoying if they cause an infinite loop, or panic the kernel. More importantly, a robust implementation allows to write KUnit tests for various guard pages, preventing potential kernel self-protection regressions. |